How to set up UTM tracking?

A UTM tracking parameter is a code added to a URL that helps track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and content. To ensure Magic Attribution works properly, you should use the recommended UTM tracking parameters listed below for all your current and future marketing campaigns. 

Meta Ads 

1. Go to the tracking settings of Meta ads and find URL Parameters field.
2. Copy the following tracking parameters and add them to the field.
utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=ads&ad_id= {{}}

Google Ads

  1. Go to the campaign / adgroup settings of Google ads and find Tracking Template field
2. Copy the following tracking parameters and add them to the tracking settings of your Google ads accordingly.
  • Search ads: {lpurl}?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ads&ad_id={creative}&utm_term={keyword}&gclid={gclid}
  • Display ads: {lpurl}?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ads&ad_id={creative}&gclid={gclid}
  • Pmax ads: {lpurl}?utm_source=google&utm_medium=ads&campaign_id={campaignid}&gclid={gclid}


Snapchat Ads

1. Go to the ad level setting of Snapchat ads and find Website URL field.


2. Copy the following tracking parameters and add them to the end of your landing page url. &utm_source=snapchat&utm_medium=ads&ad_id= {{}}

(If you already have other tracking parameters at the end of your destination url, you have to replace the "?" with "&")

TikTok Ads

1. Go to the destination section of TikTok ads and find URL field.


2. Copy the following tracking parameters and add them to the end of your landing page url.



Go to Klaviyo's UTM tracking page under Settings to set up the account-level UTM parameters that will apply to all campaigns and flows. Set up the settings like this:

UTM Parameter
Campaign Value
Flow Value
Source (utm_source)
Medium (utm_medium)
Campaign (utm_campaign)
Campaign name
Flow message name
Id (utm_id)
Campaign id
Flow id



Make sure each of your campaigns and flows are set to include the tracking parameters you just set up. You can find them in the individual campaign or flow setting page.

  • Campaign settings:

    Screenshot 2024-02-12 145739

  • Flow settings:

    Screenshot 2024-02-12 145802