How to design your own background image for product photos

Follow our prompting formula and other prompt engineering best practices to design the photo you're envisioning!

When using Design your own background with prompt text, commonly referred to as prompt engineering, try to describe the background you desire in a concise and clear way.
Here are some tips to help you visualize what you're envisioning.

1. Try this prompting formula

Our recommended best practice is to use this following formula when designing your own background

Position + Medium , Surrounding items, Background/place settings description, lighting, angle


Here are some commonly used descriptors you can use in your formula.

Background Position
In front of
soft natural lighting
front angle
Standing On
Next to
studio lighting
side profile
Laying On
Surrounded By
diagonal composition
Balancing On
back angle
Burried In
 Rim lights
shot from the top
Emerging From
 Sunny / Daylight
macro shot
eye-level shot
Floating in
 Golden hour
three-quarter view
overhead view
high angle
bottom angle


2. Use the right syntax

Use commas inbetween each component of the formula to allow the AI to extract information more accurately


3. Other tips to keep in mind

  • Please avoid contradictive terms in your prompt. Example: saying both [ultrafine painting] + [hyperrealistic] in the same prompt
  • Avoid overprompting, to get the best results.
    • Example to avoid: Create a high-resolution product photo with dimensions 4000x3000 pixels, shot using a Canon EOS 5D Mark IV camera with a 50mm f/1.4 lens at an aperture of f/8, shutter speed of 1/125, and ISO 100, The product is standing on top of a wooden coffee table with a sculpture at the edge of it, the coffee table is located in the corner of a house next to an opened window on the right side that has white curtains, so the curtains are blowing by the wind, surrounded by a vase of daisy flowers and white candles on the same table, the product should be positioned at a 30-degree angle from the camera, and the logo engraved on the products surface should be clearly visible, reflecting the surrounding light sources accurately, The lighting setup should consist of two softbox lights positioned at 45-degree angles on either side of the product, with a fill light placed directly above to eliminate shadows, The overall composition should evoke a cozy morning ambiance, with the product appearing inviting and visually appealing
    • In the example provides an excessive amount of technical and visual details; such detailed instructions can be overwhelming and may limit the AI's ability to generate a realistic and creative product photo. Providing general guidelines and allowing room for creative interpretation often leads to better results.

Prompting in action

Pulling this all together, you can see how to translate this into a custom background

Formula Example prompt Generated product photo

Position + Medium, Surrounding items, Background/place settings description, lighting, angle

Standing on top of a coffee table at the corner of a home, next to window with white curtain, Scandinavian minimalist interior style, natural soft lighting, front angle img_1